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2013 Reflections Groundwork Portland

Groundwork Portland was integral to launching the Portland Harbor Community Coalition, with over a dozen partner organizations and individuals coming together to raise community priorities for the Portland Harbor superfund cleanup.  Get involved through

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Thirteen Groundwork Portland Green Team youth were hired for the summer. They restored neglected areas of Kelley Point Park and courtyards in George Middle School, completed eco-roofs for June Key Delta and Cully garden, and learned about civic engagement, environmental careers, green streets, brownfields, superfunds, and environmental justice. The Youth Action Board was launched, to allow the youth to lead year-round restoration projects.
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Emerson Street Garden stayed active, with regular visits of youth from Blazers Boys and Girls Club, local neighbors, and a Harvest Celebration with PreSERVE Coalition.  Will Bennett, Garden Manager, helped integrate neighborhood history and culture to the space.
Will Bennett

Will Bennett

The East Portland Brownfields Project produced two preliminary designs based on East Portlander’s priorities for underutilized sites in the David Douglas School District. This was designed by East Portland Action Plan Brownfields Subcommittee members, with  support from Rivers, Trails, & Conservation Assistance program of the National Park Service and Sector Environmental Designs. Rosi Hinton High School students created a mural and they and Green Team participants placed it at one underutilized lot. Ideas included integrating parks with gathering spaces, basketball court, water fountain, native habitat features, and space for local businesses and community organizations. Now it is time to find investors open to supporting equitable, community-driven development in East Portland!

facebook Click “like” on the Groundwork Portland and Groundwork Portland Green Team pages and stay in touch through facebook!
3802 NE MLK Blvd, Portland, OR 97212  —  (503) 662-2590  —  —